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LiXue-You, HuWen-Qiang, WangHong-Jiao, JiangXue-Long. 2023: 孟加拉虎多时空独立探测突显墨脱地区在顶级捕食者保护中的价值. 动物学研究, 44(4): 747-749. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2023.178
引用本文: LiXue-You, HuWen-Qiang, WangHong-Jiao, JiangXue-Long. 2023: 孟加拉虎多时空独立探测突显墨脱地区在顶级捕食者保护中的价值. 动物学研究, 44(4): 747-749. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2023.178
Xue-You Li, Wen-Qiang Hu, Hong-Jiao Wang, Xue-Long Jiang. 2023. Tiger reappearance in Medog highlights the conservation values of the region for this apex predator. Zoological Research, 44(4): 747-749. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2023.178
Citation: Xue-You Li, Wen-Qiang Hu, Hong-Jiao Wang, Xue-Long Jiang. 2023. Tiger reappearance in Medog highlights the conservation values of the region for this apex predator. Zoological Research, 44(4): 747-749. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2023.178


Tiger reappearance in Medog highlights the conservation values of the region for this apex predator

  • 摘要: 2020年4月至2022年5月,利用社会访谈调查和系统红外相机监测开展墨脱地区孟加拉虎种群现状研究。红外相机监测于2022年1月至3月在金珠藏布峡谷两侧的8个红外相机监测位点46次拍摄到孟加拉虎,获得虎多时空独立出现数据(同一相机位点24 h内的连续探测计一条独立数据)22条。社会访谈调查表明,2020-21年墨脱地区均出现过孟加拉虎。本次新记录到孟加拉虎的相机位点距离2019年首次发现虎的相机位点东北方向约80 km。孟加拉虎在不同时间和空间的多次重复出现暗示墨脱地区可能成为该旗舰动物向邻近县区的历史分布区恢复和扩张的“垫脚石”。此外,本次调查还记录到雪豹、云豹、金猫、豺等大型食肉动物,表明墨脱地区生态系统结构和功能完整,同时突显该区域在我国 乃至全球珍稀濒危野生动物保护中的关键地位。


    Abstract: In less than a century, Asia’s largest apex predator, the tiger (Panthera tigris), has been relegated to isolated populations surviving in only a small fraction of its historical range. The Medog region, located in Xizang Zizhiqu (Tibet), China, is an important stronghold for this ecologically important apex predator. To enhance our knowledge of the status of tigers in the Medog region, we carried out a systematic camera trapping survey combined with socioecological data collection between April 2020 and May 2022. We surveyed a 1 769 km2 area across the Medog region, with a total valid sampling effort of 43 163 camera days from 322 camera stations. We also collected socioecological data from 27 forest rangers. We documented tigers at eight camera trapping stations at two villages separated by the Jinzhu Tsangpo River, confirming the presence of at least one adult male individual within the Medog region. These new records were observed over 80 km northeast of the first record in 2019. Additionally, residents reported tiger sightings in 2020 and likely tiger pugmarks in 2021. These spatially and temporally separate records of tigers in the Medog region provide valuable data for informing species-oriented conservation management and highlight the importance of the region for tiger movement and population expansion. However, although encouraging, our survey also detected human activities that may threaten tigers and their potential prey. Ensuring the future survival of tigers in the Medog region entails anti-poaching patrols and long-term camera trapping efforts. In addition, it is also important to identify and establish corridors that connect the Medog region with the adjacent Zangnan region, which also harbors an important population of tigers.


